Ingunn is one of the founders and owners of Attentus. She is the chairwoman of the board of Attentus and handles various internal issues for Attentus, such as sales and marketing. Ingunn Björk’s main tasks at the company are management consulting, human resources audits, strategy development, difficult communication issues, recruitment, coaching, strategy and change management, and corporate governance reviews.

Ingunn holds an MBA from Reykjavík University and a BA in Business Administration from the University of Iceland, Executive Coaching from Reykjavík Open University and holds an ACC certification from Coach University. She is also a recognized board member of Akademías and Reykjavík Open University.

Ingunn worked at Eimskip from 1998 to 2006 in education and career development and was the managing director of the career development department for the group, Eimskip, Atlanta and Excel Air and participated in human resources policies for the companies and subsidiaries. She has served on numerous boards, such as the Reykjavík Forestry Association, the Icelandic Safety Centre, Icelandic Group, the Reykjavík City Welfare and Education Council and the Ölgerðir Remuneration Committee. Ingunn has taught part-time in the field of human resources and change management at Reykjavík University, the University of Iceland and the Technical University and was involved in the establishment of a diploma program in human resources at Reykjavík University. Ingunn has written many articles on management and human resources and is the co-author of the book Starfsánægja. Ingunn is one of the founders of Attentus. She currently sits on the board of Reykjavík Forestry Association.