Bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence – EKKO

It is important to respond quickly if unwanted behavior such as bullying, harassment and violence is noticed, as well as other unwanted behavior that can often lead to bullying, harassment or violence, if nothing is done. If such unwanted behavior is tolerated in the workplace, it can cause great harm to the employees and the company. It is equally important to send a clear message and work on prevention to prevent unwanted behavior in the workplace.

The role of managers

Managers play an important role in combating serious problems such as bullying and harassment.

  • be prepared to respond if such issues arise
  • set a good example, encourage open communication, plan for prevention and response, provide information and respond to situations that arise
  • examine suggestions and complaints from employees with caution and respect, as well as being visible and supportive

Act No. 46/1980 contains a regulation that stipulates the employer’s obligation to conduct a specific risk assessment of the risk factors of bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence in the workplace and subsequently create a policy and response plan that must be presented specifically to employees. The response plan includes how employees can report unwanted behavior and what process will then be initiated.

EKKO service Attentus

Attentus is an approved occupational health and safety service provider from the Icelandic Occupational Safety and Health Administration and undertakes reviews of complaints regarding alleged bullying/harassment/violence in the workplace. During the review, the complaint is assessed and whether it falls within the definition of the regulation on bullying/harassment/violence in the workplace. The parties to the case and others who may be related to the case are interviewed. A report with findings and proposals for action is submitted to the client.

EKKO notification portal tt Attentus

Attentus offers companies and organizations support in receiving reports or complaints from employees about such behavior in the workplace. Through the Attentus reporting portal, employees can submit a report or suggestion about EKKO behavior in the workplace and receive impartial advice from experts in Attentus’ EKKO team who will direct matters in the appropriate direction.

Definition of EKKO


Bullying is repeated behavior that is generally intended to cause distress to the person being bullied, such as belittling, insulting, hurting, threatening, or causing fear. It does not include differences of opinion or differences of interest.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual conduct that has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person, especially when the conduct results in an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. The conduct may be verbal, symbolic and/or physical.

Gender-based harassment

Gender-based harassment is conduct related to the gender of the person who experiences it, is unwelcome to the person concerned and has the purpose or effect of violating the person’s dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the person concerned.


Violence is any behavior that results in, or is likely to result in, physical or psychological harm or suffering to the person subjected to it, including threats of such harm, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.


Helga Lára Haarde
Hildur Baldvinsdóttir