Audits and analyses

Skimun fyrir kulnunareinkennum á vinnustað

Skimun fyrir kulnunareinkennum á vinnustað
Attentus býður upp á skimum á kulnunareinkennum fyrir vinnustaði. Lagður er fyrir rafrænn spurningalisti sem skimar fyrir einkennum kulnunar hjá starfsfólki. Þannig getur vinnustaður fengið upplýsingar um hversu hátt hlutfall starfsfólk er að upplifa einkenni kulnunar eða er í hættu á að lenda í kulnun. Attentus veitir ráðgjöf um hvernig megi bregðast við niðurstöðum og…

Salary analysis

Salary analysis
Attentus provides tailored consulting when it comes to payroll analysis for companies and organizations. Attentus works with clients to develop and implement solutions that are useful in an ever-changing environment and are in line with the client's goals and strategy.

Human Resources Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Human Resources Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
We help companies define key performance indicators in human resources based on the company's strategy. Examples of measurements include employee turnover, job satisfaction, absenteeism, management, workplace culture, etc. elements.

Workplace analysis

Workplace analysis
We offer customized analyzes designed according to the needs and preferences of each client in analyzing job satisfaction with the goal of increasing employee well-being.

360° management review

360° management review
Management evaluation makes it easier for managers to understand their strengths and weaknesses and where opportunities for improvement lie. Attentus' 360° management assessment is based on CCL (Center of Creative Leadership).

Human resources audit

Human resources audit
Attentus has developed a method for analyzing the state of human resources in Icelandic companies. By analyzing human resources, companies get a clear picture of whether the foundation is solid and what opportunities exist for growth. We have also performed due diligence in human resources for acquisitions and mergers, in addition to conducting human resources…

Labor law

Labor law
Attentus employs lawyers with extensive experience and knowledge in the field of administrative and labor law.