Labor law

At Attentus employs lawyers with extensive experience and knowledge in the fields of administrative and labor law. These areas of law can play an important role in decision-making in the field of human resources, especially regarding the rights and obligations of employees. Good preparation and informed decision-making, where attention is paid to the legal framework that applies at any given time, increases the likelihood of a successful outcome and reduces the likelihood of difficult and costly follow-up cases. Attentus lawyers provide solid advice on a variety of issues in the field of labor law, where cases are examined from all angles before proceeding.

The expertise of Attentus lawyers focuses on;

  • Legal advice in the field of labor law and administration
  • Public recruitment, qualifications committees, justification
  • Employment contracts
  • Severance agreements
  • Reminders
  • Terminations
  • Guidance for managers in sensitive personnel matters


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