
The employer’s freedom to dismiss employees comes with great responsibility, as the dismissal of an employee can have a significant impact on their circumstances and self-image. It is therefore important that special care is taken to show employees respect and care for their work, thereby seeking to minimize the negative impact of the dismissal on the employee in question, the company and its other employees. There are many things to consider when terminating an employment relationship, for whatever reason. Laws, regulations, employment contracts and collective agreements are always considered, as well as the human factor. The circumstances must be assessed at each time, and our consultants can assist with the preparation and implementation of dismissals, both in the private and public sectors, whether individual dismissals or collective dismissals.


Our consulting group consists of human resources consultants, lawyers and a psychologist who form a strong team that examines issues from various angles and works to find the best solutions each time. We also assist with termination processes when an employee resigns or retires due to age. If a situation arises where it is planned to terminate an employment relationship, i.e. to let an employee leave without notice without a notice period, it is important to seek advice before embarking on such an action.

We assist companies and organizations with, among other things;

  • Reminders
  • Redundancies
  • Job restructuring
  • Severance agreements
  • Retirement process
  • Retirement interviews
  • Retirement due to age
  • Collective redundancies
  • Education and training regarding retirement
  • Retirement of foreign employees
  • Succession plans
  • Knowledge transfer

Advice to employees regarding job loss and assistance with job search


Ástríður Þórey Jónsdóttir