The aim of the course is to increase the ability of managers to provide effective feedback to employees.
Education and training
The aim of the course is to increase the ability of managers to provide effective feedback, whether praise or corrective feedback, on the work and behavior of staff. Emphasis will be placed on discussions and open dialogue with managers about their challenges in personnel matters.
The aim of the course is to strengthen managers in dealing with difficult personnel issues with corrective feedback and goal setting.
The goal is to increase management's understanding of the culture and needs of employees of foreign origin who do not have Icelandic as their mother tongue or do not speak Icelandic.
We offer workshops aimed at building psychological safety and dynamic team behaviour. At the end of the workshop, a written team agreement will be made. Ongoing support is also offered from an Attentus consultant.
We offer courses on Attendance Management with the aim of increasing the well-being, job satisfaction and productivity of staff. Attendance management is not only an important tool to coordinate work processes with absences, but also a way to ensure the health and well-being of employees.
This course is designed to support new managers, providing them with the tools and skills they need to become effective leaders.
Leiðtogaþjálfunin er sérstaklega hönnuð fyrir stjórnendur sem vilja efla leiðtogafærni sína, hvort sem er almennt eða í tengslum við ákveðin málefni sem snúa að stjórnendastarfi. Þjálfunin er sérsniðin að þörfum hópsins og fyrirtækisins, og einblínir á þá þætti sem þarf að styrkja í rólegu og nærandi umhverfi.
Are you looking for new ways to strengthen the group and promote empathy and cooperation? We offer customized group development solutions that suit your team's needs, whether it's in the form of refreshing orienteering games, team training or adventure travel.
Attentus offers training for workplaces on burnout, stress, perfectionism and the interaction between these factors. The training is in collaboration with actress Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir, who has recently performed the solo play "In the Red Light" at the National Theatre. The show deals with Kristín's personal experience of burnout and stress in a humorous and…
Coaching is one of the most effective methods available today for managers and employees who want to achieve increased results. Individuals are given the opportunity to examine themselves, their jobs, challenges, future vision and behavior patterns in confidential conversations with Attentus' certified coaches.
The aim of the course is to increase the awareness of managers and staff about bullying, harassment and violence in the workplace.
With the growing number of foreign workers, it is important to adapt and look at a new approach in matters related to validation, diversity and understanding of the issues of foreign workers.