Equal pay certification

Equal pay certification is a formal confirmation that a company or organization meets the requirements for an equal pay system according to the equal pay standard ÍST 85/2012. The goal of equal pay certification is to ensure equal rights for both genders in the labor market and to prevent gender-based pay gaps. Equal pay certification is based on certain processes and requirements, which are defined in the standard. The equal pay certification itself is then granted by legally authorized certification bodies that are authorized to conduct audits and assess whether a company meets the requirements.

Attentus’ advice includes:

  • Formulating equality policy (equal pay policy and equality plan)
  • Creation of procedures
  • Job classification
  • Salary analysis: A detailed analysis of employee salaries to ensure that salaries are determined in an objective and transparent manner.
  • Implementation of an equal pay system: The company must implement a system that ensures that an equal pay policy is followed and that gender pay gaps do not exist.
  • Audit and assessment: A certified certification body conducts an audit of the equal pay system to confirm that it meets all the requirements of the equal pay standard.
  • Maintenance of certification: The company must regularly review and update its equal pay system and renew the certification at regular intervals.
  • General education and training on the process


Attentus has assisted over 250 companies, institutions and municipalities in implementing equal pay certification and obtaining equal pay confirmation. Attentus takes into account the needs of each client with regard to the implementation as a whole or individual aspects of it.


Jóhann Pétur Fleckenstein