Attentus was recognized as a model company in operations 2020

Attentus has been recognized as a model company in operations 2020 according to the assessment of Viðskiptablaðið and Keldun. About 2.7% of the country’s companies meet the criteria for selection. Viðskiptablaðið had a special edition about the companies that received this recognition and on page 50 there is an interview with Inga Björga, CEO of Attentus. Inga says, among other things

“Attentus’ operations could actually be divided into two. On the one hand, the company has permanent contracts with companies for the solution of a human resources manager for hire or a human resources sponsor, where Attentus provides specialized services in human resources management that companies and organizations outsource. This has given the operation a lot of stability and today around 20 companies and organizations have permanent contracts with Attentus for a human resources manager for hire or a sponsor. On the other hand, the company provides temporary specialized consulting in the fields of audits, analyses, recruitment, coaching and more. Among the specific projects that the company carried out last year, one can mention consulting companies on the implementation of equal pay certification. ”