Homework contingency plan.

New challenges await

New challenges are currently facing administrators. Many parents have had to stay home due to strikes by kindergarten staff and have not been able to come to work. In addition, a number of people are currently in quarantine/staying at home due to the COVID 19 virus.

Attentus consultants have provided advice to workplaces and managers on how best to respond when employees are unable to attend work because their children are at home or if employees are in quarantine. Here are the main points to consider.

Make a contingency plan

Many companies have prepared a contingency plan to deal with the situation if many employees fall ill/go into quarantine. Now is the right time to identify key aspects/key functions that must not stop in the operation and consider how important tasks can be carried out, including paying bills and salaries. It is important to review the home connections of employees and ensure that such connections work for those employees who need to perform key roles. Consideration must also be given to training employees, especially service and reception staff. Regular information sharing must take place and a position must be taken on business trips abroad that had been decided.

Discuss the work of staff who need to stay home during quarantine or due to school/preschool closures.

Many people can work from home, and if possible, we encourage managers to communicate with those who work from home on a daily basis, especially during quarantine. It is a good idea for managers and employees to discuss which tasks can be completed from home, whether the employee is at home during quarantine or at home due to school/kindergarten closures.

Employees who experience flu symptoms are encouraged not to come to work and follow the instructions of health authorities.  

Attentus consultants have sample rules and guidelines for this and can assist with such work, if requested.