Psychosocial risk assessment

Psychosocial risk assessment is a process used to identify and assess psychosocial risk factors in the workplace. Psychosocial risk factors are those factors in the work environment and working conditions that can affect the psychological and social well-being of employees. These factors can cause stress, anxiety, depression and other mental and social problems that can negatively affect employee health and performance. By identifying and addressing these risk factors, workplaces can best promote a healthy workplace culture.

Psychosocial risk assessment is an important part of a holistic risk assessment in the workplace and is intended to improve the health and well-being of employees, as well as contribute to better work performance and job satisfaction.

Attentus is an approved occupational health and safety service provider from the Icelandic Occupational Safety and Health Administration and offers psychosocial risk assessments. The assessment assesses the well-being of employees with regard to mental and social factors. Attentus collects data to assess the working environment, for example, with an electronic questionnaire to screen for risk factors in the working environment, by reviewing existing data, through conversations with senior managers and conversations or focus groups with employees as needed. The risk factors related to the psychosocial working environment relate to management, organization and communication such as variety of tasks, working hours, flexibility, stress and support at work. Along with measures to prevent bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, violence and more. Attentus supports managers in presenting an action plan following a risk assessment.

Employers are obliged to ensure good working conditions at the workplace and to conduct a written assessment that takes into account, among other things, social factors in relation to working conditions according to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (No. 46/1980). This obligation is independent of the size of the workplace or the number of employees. Employers are also obliged to ensure a safe and healthy working environment through targeted occupational safety and health activities that aim to prevent and reduce problems within the workplace and promote the well-being of employees. By emphasizing prevention and rapid response when problems arise, we can promote a good social working environment.


Helga Lára Haarde